Musings, Blog, Featured, Social Reingineering

Calling Out Cishet Men

[edit: changed many instances of cis to cishet to be more accurate]

At the time of this writing, I am almost 2 months into a journey of fueling this body with testosterone. And let me tell you, it has opened my eyes. I have a somewhat unique viewpoint, having been fueled by estrogen 48 years since puberty, and now seeing firsthand the differences between estrogen and testosterone. My experience is by no means universal, but I can speak to this particular body, with all its mobility issues, and what changes came immediately. It was like flipping a switch.

From where I sit, it seems like cis men literally have every single aspect of life easier than cis women and others whose bodies are fueled by estrogen. Estrogen fueled people expend way more energy to accomplish the same tasks, they have an exponentially wider range of things they’re responsible for, and they are denigrated and disrespected every step of the way. This has got to

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Musings, Activism, Blog, Social Reingineering

Capitol Hill Peaceful Protest Zone, My First Person Account

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This is a video of my first visit to CHOP  (Capitol Hill Occupation Protest) on Thursday, June 11, 2020.  As you will be able to tell, I was extremely moved.  I wanted to make a visit to support their community garden, plus my heart was hurting from reading so many hateful tweets on Twitter and comments on Fox News stories that I knew were not true from watching the live streams, so I had to go in order to help document the reality, which is peaceful, inclusive, compassionate, and a bold, historical move.  Watch it and see for yourself.  Note:  You will not see the most substantive conversations that were happening in multiple places around the Zone.  I deliberately did not film those out of respect for their privacy.  My primary intention was to counter the “terrorists have taken Seattle” propaganda that Fox News and other conservative media outlets have been spewing and amplifying.

The next day, Friday, June 12, 2020, I

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Home, Musings, Blog, Featured, Social Reingineering

Bane or Blessing

Many people are pooh-pooing the Coronavirus, saying it’s an overblown scare. What if it could end up being humanity’s greatist gift? Let me explain. Has there ever been a time in your life when have you wished you had paid attention to a suggestion to change something about your life earlier, when the suggestion was gentle, only to be forced into changing something by a traumatic event? I fully believe this is what the COVID-19 event is all about.
Being In Service, Blog, Social Reingineering

The Race Card

Have you ever been in a conversation and been accused of playing the “race card”? Or been asked “Why do you have to make everything about race?” or “Why do you have to bring race into everything?”

There is a simple answer to this. Every time someone is referred to who is not white, their race or culture is used to describe them. Indigenous, East Indian, African American, Asian American, Latinx, BIPOC, etc. We use people’s race right up front to identify them, how could that not already be a part of the conversation?

How about we start doing the same thing when describing white people. I saw a headline go flitting across my fb feed recently about using the term White American. The article disappeared before I had a chance to read it, but it sounds like a fine idea. I’m going to start doing it. It’s only fair, right?

I mean, seriously, why should white people be the only ones that can Read the rest

Being In Service, Blog, Social Reingineering

Who Owns Your Time?

I’ve been thinking about cultural issues a lot lately, and I think I know why there is such resistance to providing workers with a living wage, or even considering them employees so that they earn benefits.

It’s about the commodity of time.

If workers are required to work longer and longer hours just to make ends meet, then spend the rest of their waking hours rushing around to procure the things they need for themselves and their families just to live, they lose the ownership of their time.

If one loses the ownership of their time, they become slaves who have no choice but to keep running on the hamster wheel that’s allowing the top rung to hoard obscene levels of wealth.

If one loses ownership of their time, they cannot show up to social justice actions designed to change the rules.

It’s no wonder so many people try to use social media as their activism platform, as ineffective as it is. It’s one Read the rest